History asks fundamental questions about the nature of change over time. History is our collective memory; studying the past reveals the enormous complexity of the human experience and highlights the contingency of our contemporary world. Because no contemporary political, cultural, or economic issue can be understood outside of its historical context, History offers an ideal foundation for students interested in law, medicine, international relations, public policy, and women’s studies, as well as an intellectual complement for students pursuing science and engineering. Indeed, the history major at CWRU, as nationally, is traditionally one of the preferred preparatory paths for admission to law school. Thinking historically means learning how to frame complex problems, sift through multifaceted evidence, and develop carefully argued writing. Our students carry these skills far beyond graduation, pursuing careers in the professions, business, government, as well as advanced doctoral study.
Our department has a long and prestigious tradition that stretches back to the origins of Western Reserve University in 1826. Today, our faculty specialize in a range of thematic and regional subjects. We have a strong tradition in the study of social, cultural, legal, policy, and political history, which together constitutes a major component of our graduate program. Our other focus of graduate study—the history of science, technology, the environment, and medicine (STEM)—has its roots in Case’s pioneering graduate program in the history of technology in the late 1950s (the first of its kind in the United States), as well as its role in founding the Society for the History of Technology. Our department also maintains a strong international focus with faculty who specialize in European, Asian, African, and Latin American history.
John Bickers Earns AJHA Award for Co-Authored Paper
Professor Bickers recently earned accolades from the American Journalism Historians’ Association for his paper “War Chief, Friend of the President, Prohibitionist: Would the ‘Real’ Little Turtle Please Stand Up?” which he co-authored with Melissa Greene-Blye of University of Kansas.
John Grabowski Quoted on cleveland.com about Cleveland’s Terminal Tower
John Grabowski weighed in on a cleveland.com article about Cleveland’s Terminal Tower. Grabowski noted the tower’s early strobe light guided planes and ships, while wartime blackouts darkened it.
Einav Rabinovitch-Fox contributed to Time Magazine
Einav Rabinovitch-Fox wrote an article for Time Magazine on how Donald Trump’s tariff policies echo William McKinley’s 1890s protectionism: "The Fashion Fight That Exposes the Flaw in Trump’s Tariff Logic".
Hans Myers Published in Ohio History from Kent State University Press
Doctoral student Hans Myers' article "'Receipts for the Bugle': The Death of the Anti-Slavery Bugle and Its Lessons, 1856-1861" has been published in the Fall 2024 issue of Ohio History, from Kent State University Press.
John Bickers Interviewed on The Sound of Ideas
Professor John Bickers was interviewed on The Sound of Ideas and discussed Native Americans' cultural connection with the land in honor of Indigenous Peoples' Day.
John Bickers Interviewed on The Sound of Ideas
Professor John Bickers was interviewed on The Sound of Ideas in connection with the podcast series The Ohio Country on Native Americans in the Ohio Country, for which he served as cultural advisor.